+4 0726 305 809Luni - Vineri, 10.00 - 18.00

Black Rhodium Quickstep

cablu boxe

Black Rhodium Quickstep

cablu boxe

Black Rhodium Quickstep

cablu boxe

Black Rhodium Quickstep este un upgrade al cablului premiat Foxtrot, folosind conectori premium GN-1 placati cu Rhodium mult mai performanti

Proiectarea noulul cablu de boxe Quickstep are la baza modelul de varf Thunder, insa preluand de la acesta doar caracteristicile de baza, mentinand un pret accesibil.
Quickstep este construit manual in fabrica Black Rhodium din Derby, folosind materiale si componente selectate si care au demonstrat superioritate in calitatea sunetului.
Printre specificatiile de baza sunt incluse:
- Ultra low ‘Proximity Effect’ Magnetic Field distortion due to added inter-conductor distance due to attractive braid over conductor
-Very good flexibility
- Mechanical Vibration Suppression Materials used in Construction
- RFI noise reduction technology
- Conectori tip banana GN-1 placati cu Rhodium

Low Transient Phase Distortion through Innovative Design.
Quickstep give a very clear diction of a singer’s voice and separates musical instruments superbly through a dramatic reduction of ‘Transient Phase Distortion’.
‘Transient Phase Distortion’ is reduced by using thicker insulation than is usual in speaker cables, increasing the distance between conductors and thereby reducing the magnetic field seen in each conductor wire as a result of the magnetic field created by the current in the other conductor wire. A further increase in the distance between conductors is achieved by use of the attractive cable braid and this further reduces ‘Proximity Effect’ distortion.
By very substantially reducing this form of distortion, the music becomes clearer and more dynamic, with greater ambience and experience of the music’s emotional qualities.

Mechanical Vibration Damping with Vibration Stabilisers
Quickstep construction include the use of two separate and complementary materials that effectively damp Mechanical Vibrations within the cable without the expense of Vibration Stabilisers.

Anti RFI / EMI Technology to Further Reduce Distortion.
QUICKSTEP uses RFI suppression technology originally development for high end cables in its construction. This protects the signal wires from picking up radio frequency interference (RFI) generated from Radio, Wifi, Mobile Phones and even central heating systems.
The result is less audible distortion allowing cleaner, clearer sounds to be enjoyed from your equipment.

Specificatii tehnice Black Rhodium Quickstep:

- diametru exterior al conductorilor 6mm
- conductori 16 x 0.2mm diametru
- izolatie cauciuc siliconic 1.2mm